February 24, 2022

Survey on TSE integration: this is how far German retailers have come

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A recent survey by the German Association for Cash and Settlement Systems Technology in Cash and Cashless Payment Transactions (DFKA) examined the conversion rate to a technical security equipment (TSE).

What has been true for a long time is catching on. This is shown by the results of the fifth DFKA survey among members (to which we as CSK can also count ourselves) and other retailers/manufacturers in the industry. DFKA members support more than 600,000 checkout systems in the German market, which means that the survey results are very close to reality in terms of implementing the KassenSichV which has already been in force since 2020. So who, as required, has integrated a TSE at this point in time (as of February 2022)?


"The conversion rate to date is estimated by our members to be 82 % on average, and as high as 88 % by manufacturers and distributors who are not in our association."


This is a fat plus, as in Q4 2020 only 36 % of members reported using a technical security device in the first survey. Respondents were also asked to estimate the percentage of customers who had not yet ordered a conversion. Here, the mean estimate was 15 % (members) and 13 % (non-members). If we look at the difference between the previous conversion rate and a 100% conversion rate, both correspond to the estimated values with a relatively high degree of accuracy.

Survey on the status of the transition to a TSE (DFKA.net, February 22, 2022).


The DFKA once again recommends that these cash register users make efforts to convert or upgrade. Only those who have a certified TSE and a KassenSichV-compliant system can protect themselves from sanctions by the tax authorities. 

As CSK, we would also like to add the note: Even those who integrate a TSE still face the hurdle of merging cash and fiscal data and ensuring retrograde and progressive auditability! In the following PDF, we have summarized some food for thought and information on this. 


KassenSichV 2021 2022