September 11, 2019

Process order confirmations paperlessly in SAP®.

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Checking order confirmations is done quickly, isn't it? Price, quantity and date are compared and after any corrections, such Purchase2Pay processes are quickly completed? What sounds so simple in theory is unfortunately often associated with avoidable effort in reality. With our SAP-integrated software solution DirectConfirmationControl, you can accelerate these processes and make them completely paperless and transparent.  

One of the reasons for the large amount of time required for data entry is the fact that order confirmations arrive at your company in different ways, e.g. in paper form, by e-mail, EDI data or fax. There are often gaps when it comes to this, Documents cleanly and completely digitally. As a result, your SAP system can only map part of the daily business processes transparently.

This is where we come in: We set up a preliminary route for you, which ensures that all incoming documents are mapped in the system. Incoming order confirmations are recorded centrally in an SAP inbound book. A status display in the DirectConfirmationControl SAP monitor keeps you up to date at all times. If deviations from the SAP order occur, these can be recognized at a glance and you can use them for the Order or edit them manually. Items with the status "confirmed as ordered" can be confirmed and archived with one click.

Für weitere Informationen, werfen Sie einen Blick in unsere Produktbroschüre, schreiben Sie uns eine E-Mail an oder rufen Sie an unter der Nummer 0571/783435 10. Neben DirectConfirmationControl bieten wir weitere Softwarelösungen entlang des Purchase2Pay und Order2Cash Prozesses an, die Ihr Unternehmen endgültig papierlos machen. Z.B. DirectPurchaseControl or DirectInvoiceControl.

DirectConfirmationControl Product Brochure