November 17, 2021

CAS AG Roundtable: We visited Fulda

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On Monday, November 15, 2021, we accepted the invitation of our partner, CAS AG, to Fulda. As part of the roundtable for SAP® CAR users and interested parties, the topic of "SAP® reference architecture for retail" was discussed. Both the current situation and the strategic outlook for the future were on the table, with SAP® itself also present.


Not too theoretical, but firmly oriented towards practice - this is how the agenda of the CAS AG Roundtable to our enthusiasm. The discussion was based on practical reports from customer projects, presented by Patrick Pierron from CAS AG. This introduction to the topic was complemented by a customer voice itself: Manuel Cranz presented the development of a new ecosystem around animal at Fressnapf Tiernahrungs GmbH.

And it continued with references from practical application: Raig Dobberke from beeline GmbH presented the implementation of the SAP® reference architecture at Beeline in the greenfield approach. SAP® itself was represented by Stefan Binkowski, with whom we as CSK have also already organized a joint event. He gave the participants an outlook on the plans of SAP®. Afterwards, there was time for the participants to exchange ideas.

"My visit to Fulda was worthwhile, thank you very much for the invitation 🙂 The practical reports gave me an insight into the questions that SAP® CAR users have asked and are still asking. Since we work closely with CAS AG in the RetailOneSolution Network, among other things, this insight represents real added value for me. Excellent event, happy to do it again!"
Stephan Kaup
Managing Director Consult-SK GmbH