Online event on May 6, 2021: Store Management 3.0
Secure your place in our free webcast of the RetailOneSolution Network to keep an eye on your individual store processes clearly and conveniently at all times via tablet or smartphone. How with...
Secure your place in our free webcast of the RetailOneSolution Network to keep an eye on your individual store processes clearly and conveniently at all times via tablet or smartphone. How with...
Retailers had until March 31, 2021 to implement the requirements of the Cash Register Security Ordinance (KassenSichV), otherwise they face sanctions! In our webinar, we will show you why and how you can...
In the post POS DM era, a hurdle appears in SAP CAR: If WPUUMS data is sent from CAR to subsequent systems, different IDoc numbers ensure that the connections to the original document are...
From April, retailers must have upgraded their checkout systems with a technical security device (TSE). However, it is becoming increasingly apparent that other areas are also covered by the KassenSichV. For example, waste disposal companies and public...
Three SAP partners, one all-in-one solution for retailers - with the RetailOneSolution Network, nothing stands in the way of store management 3.0. Sales and merchandise management processes can be optimized with the combination of the three SAP partner...
Speziell für Kunden mit geringem Belegaufkommen bieten wir unsere CSK Invoice-Lösung in einer schlanken Lite-Variante an. In unserem Live-Online-Event am 24. März 2021 erfahren Sie, welcher Funktionsumfang Ihnen beim “kleinen…
The deadline expires at the end of March 2021. Retailers must have equipped their cash registers with a TSE to ensure POS data management in compliance with KassenSichV. In reality, however, in many places this is still...
With the help of an SAP user survey, Consult-SK GmbH got to the bottom of the question of how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected work in SAP in 2020. How...
2020... Phew... Definitely a year we will all remember! Apart from the restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, this year at the CSK...
Das Weihnachtsfest naht schon heran” – der CIO sagt´s beim Essen -, “die Tickets meld´ ich euch jetzt an, ihr dürft sie nicht vergessen! Um Patch und Mapping möchte…