Touchdown! Marvin Utke enriches the CSK team

We have a new addition to our development team! Who is "the new guy" and what does he do for us? In this interview you will find the most important key points about Marvin Utke.


Hey, Marvin! You've had some time to "settle in" at CSK. Would you like to start by telling us how you knew us and what motivated you to apply for a job with us?

Hey Sandra, of course! I play American football for the Minden Wolves and discovered a new sponsor on my jersey, when I clicked through the website with interest, I saw that CSK is currently looking for an SAP developer... The rest is history :).


How does da professional background? What skills have you brought with you?

I originally trained as a retail salesman, but the day-to-day work in retail didn't suit me 100%. That's why I completed a second apprenticeship as an IT specialist and am now happily settled in the IT world. As some of our customers work in retail, I can put my commercial skills to good use in my day-to-day work as a developer.


How would you describe your current area of responsibility with us?

As I am an SAP developer, my day-to-day work naturally consists mainly of implementing developments for our customers or looking at errors that a customer reports to us. As I previously worked in an in-house IT department, it was new for me not to work with the same SAP system every day, but with many different ones. But that's what makes the work here so varied and exciting. I'm currently trying to get a taste of every topic in order to get to know CSK's own products and developments better and gain experience with them.


To be honest, you fitted into the team so quickly, it was as if you had been on board the whole time. How did you find the settling-in period with us?

I was immediately warmly welcomed into the team and never had the feeling of being "the new kid on the block". There was always at least one open ear for every question and I felt very comfortable right from the start. I particularly like the idea of conducting a short interview with each colleague, so you not only have a name for each face but also a short background story and after the first team event at the latest, I had taken everyone here to my heart.


No CSK employee interview without a fun question (this one is stolen from a well-known podcast): Suppose there was a huge billboard here in Minden, on Simeonsplatz, and you got to decide what message would be on there for a month - what would you write on it?

Interesting question... I would let a countdown run down for a month without comment and watch from my seat in the office as people go crazy, come up with conspiracy theories and make assumptions :D.

I like the idea! I like to watch along :D. Many thanks for your time.

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