March 25, 2020

SAP® AddOns: GoLive in 3 months with the VIROCK implementation method

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On average, the project duration for the installation and, if necessary, customization of an SAP AddOn is a good year - often even longer. With our agile template approach, you can start using our software solutions as early as 3 months after the project begins and save costs and workload in the long term. VIROCK stands for Vision > Installation > Responding > Organization > Concept > Keys. What is unique about our implementation method is that part of the concept arises during the already running project.



Directly at the start of the project, we install our template on a test system and work directly with your real data to test the extent to which adjustments are necessary. Due to the high standardization of our SAP ERP solutions and our extensive experience in customer projects, the extent of necessary adjustments is usually manageable. Additionally we are at your disposal for Process optimization We support our customers from the very beginning, determine their needs in workshops and work in the mutual interaction of realization and conception. In this way, we replace classic, lengthy target/actual concepts, which are often not practical despite all efforts.

The high flexibility in the application of VIROCK requires communicative work from those involved, which pays off:

  1. Management, IT management and users all benefit from the digitization of processes. Instead of internal discord over innovations, users are happy about less work for routine activities.
  2. Budget, schedule, and staffing remain on target.
  3. The financial investments are amortized on average after about one year from GoLive.

Any questions? Gladly!


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