Resilience. In the economic sense, this term means the ability to successfully survive business crises. If your company is resilient, then you are able to draw on diverse resources to persist even in bad economic times. Indispensable for this: Digital workflows!
In the Corona crisis, many large organizations got into difficulties and are now dependent on state aid - in some cases controversially. If one's own business depends heavily on export and import conditions, then it is certainly understandable that extensive losses are to be expected. However, the last few months have shown that even the switch from physical presence in the office to location-independent and completely digital processing is still proceeding rather sluggishly in this country.
Domino effect in sales and purchasing
What does it mean in concrete terms when employees from the areas of Purchase To Pay and Order To Cash suddenly can't get to the office? Order confirmations, the approval of invoices, purchase requisitions - many small processes are sometimes delayed by weeks or months. As a result, you miss out on discounts by paying your invoices early. There is a lack of resources in production. In the worst-case scenario, your suppliers are so dependent on you that delays in payment processes and order placement are almost unbearable. And your supplier, in turn, faces the same challenges.
If you completely digitize your processes or workflows with flexible IT solutions (and also automate them as far as possible), you will benefit in the first step from cost and time savings. Because according to a Mercateo study in cooperation with the HTWK Leibzig ("Indirect Purchasing focus: Between savings potential and future opportunities", 2017), for example, the processing of a Invoice to payment on average 28.8 minutes! And invoices that arrive by e-mail are still often printed out = costs again.
Traceability and transparency
For the resilience of a company, it is essential how employees along the entire supply chain handle the existing data. If the processes are mapped 100 percent in the system, then the success/failure of individual projects, sub-areas, company divisions, etc. can also be evaluated quickly. This means that you can also act quickly. You will be able to deal with your resources in a sustainable way!
The advantages of digital workflows at a glance:
- Defined goals become verifiable
- The current status of operations is immediately available or retrievable
- Cost and time expenditures are easy to determine
- Through automation (among other things, keyword Input Management) your employees can use their working time for strategically valuable activities
How we help you defy future crises
We start where the SAP standard leaves off and automate your processes in the areas of invoice receipt and issue, order and purchase order processing, contract management, document management and input management. Our SAP solutions have proven themselves at numerous well-known companies in Germany: Karl Preuss GmbH, Engelhard Arzneimittel, Rose Systemtechnik, Porta Möbel and at some of Germany's best-known food retailers.Especially for the retail sector, we also offer the AddOn Receipt4S® which provides a central entry point for the administration, auditing and audit-proof archiving of all relevant Cash register data forms.
You can find an overview of our services here: CSK Competencies
Any questions? Gladly! Contact us by e-mail at [email protected] or by phone at 0571/783435-10.