28 July 2022

KassenSichV mastered: Over 20 million receipts archived in an audit-proof manner

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The first trading companies have already had their receipt data verified by the tax office using AmadeusVerify. For our SAP® customers, this is no reason to worry, because with Receipt4S® we ensure that data can be retrieved quickly and completely. We archive over 20 million receipts daily - audit-proof and traceable, including TSE signature and DSFinV-K files.


Why do you need an additional add-on in SAP® in order to be able to offer Cash Protection Ordinance (short: KassenSichV) to be on the safe side? Is it not enough if I, as a dealer, have a TSE integrated? Unfortunately, that's not enough! The new guidelines of the KassenSichV, And admittedly, the majority of retailers have already taken care of integrating the technical security devices. But where do the cash register and signature data flow into the system and how do you check whether it has worked as the tax authorities require?


In-house development with hand and foot

As SAP® process consultants and software developers, we are proud that we were able to create a solution with our own development. A solution that is SAP® certified for ERP and S/4 HANA. With our customers from the renowned German retail trade millions of receipt data into the SAP® system every day, and thanks to Receipt4S® a completeness check can be carried out at any time and the document flow can be checked. If our add-on detects incorrect data at the customer's site, e.g. due to a system failure, then the employees from financial accounting or IT record which problem occurred on that day. After all, who knows months or years later, when the tax office comes knocking, what was going on on day XY?!

There is also the issue of "process documentation". With our SAP® product, it is possible to trace where the data flows through the system, from the receipt to the FI document. Keywords: Mandatory retrograde and progressive auditability!


"If you can't answer the question of whether and how long it will take to find your own data if necessary, you shouldn't postpone the issue! We have extensive experience in the area of KassenSichV and data archiving and are happy to help." - Stephan Kaup, founder and managing partner of Consult-SK GmbH.


Reliably up to date

But we are not only hunters and collectors of data, we also take care of making it retrievable! A specific branch, a specific time period - the receipts are easy to filter and different export and access options are available. And since we not only want to be on the safe side when dealing with our customer data, but also want to be sure that our add-on meets all requirements, we are in close exchange with the financial authorities. We have made ourselves smart about how auditing is done and have aligned Receipt4S® to it. We are also in close contact with the developers of AmadeusVerify, the tool used by the authorities for verification. So our customers can sit back and relax knowing: With CSK I am in good hands!

If you would like to learn more, feel free to browse through our website or contact us directly at Stephan Kaup in touch. We regularly offer exciting webinars - participation is free! Simply join the CSK at XING or LinkedIn follow us and don't miss any news.