March 18, 2020

Cash register data and TSE - This is how it still works until September 2020

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Despite the current economic situation, we are there for you online - and that is also urgently necessary with regard to the implementation of KassenSichV and DSFinV-K! Retailers have until September 2020 to adapt the provision of POS data to the new regulations.


Our SAP® AddOn Receipt4S® is the central entry point for managing, auditing and ensuring the completeness of all relevant data relating to the cash register process. We will be happy to help you sort out the current "information confusion" surrounding the topic of Cash register data and bring you to the audit-proof side.


What can Receipt4S do for you?

Auf der technischen Seite ist unser AddOn dazu in der Lage, Daten wie XML-Bon, POSLog, TAR-Files, Stammdaten und Kassenabschlussdaten vom POS system „abzuholen“. In einem Data-Hub werden diese Daten konvertiert und weitergeleitet, z.B. an SAP CAR, Retail und FI-CO. Ergebnis: Ihre Daten stehen vollständig, prüfungskonform und revisionssicher zur Verfügung. Im Falle einer Kassennachschau können Sie sich zurücklehnen und entspannen, denn via Z1-, Z2- und Z3-Zugriff haben Sie die Daten abrufbereit bei der Hand. Neben der technischen Seite unterstützen wir Sie fachlich bei der Erstellung einer Verfahrensdokumentation, die ebenfalls Pflicht ist.

The following chart illustrates the benefits of using our certified SAP add-on:

How long does it take to install the AddOn?

This is where we benefit from the experience we have gained with a number of well-known retailers: our add-on is battle-tested and - assuming you provide the necessary data - is ready for GoLive in an average of three months!

To realize this crisply short project duration, we use an agile template approach. What does this mean? Directly at the beginning of the project, we install our software immediately on a test system and check on your real data to what extent adjustments might be necessary. Realization and conception run in parallel with our VIROCK implementation method - this makes the lengthy elaboration of target/actual concepts obsolete.

Do you still have questions? Then feel free to contact us, we are available via webcast, phone and email.

Email: [email protected]

Tel: 0571/783435 10

Would you like to delve deeper into the subject matter first? Learn more in our free whitepaperwhat you need to know about KassenSichV, TSE and DSFinV-K need to know.

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