Already printed from SAP® FI today? Then you know the problem of having to track down documents via different transactions in order to print and/or send them individually. Possibly including a detour via a mail program. This can also be done more simply!
SmartDocs Suite, so heißt unser SAP® AddOn zum Beschleunigen des Korrespondenzdrucks. “Suite” deswegen, weil wir den Überblick über die unterschiedlichsten Korrespondenzarten in EINEM Monitor gewährleisten. Egal ob es um Ausgangsrechnungen, Avisen, Mahnungen oder Lastschriftankündigungen geht: Im SmartDocs Monior sehen Sie auf einen Blick alle Dokumente, die zu einem Vorgang gehören. Die intelligente Verknüpfung findet automatisiert statt und Sie ersparen sich den Weg über das Aufrufen diverser SAP® transactions. You can print and/or send related documents bundled together.
In addition, there is no need to go via your Outlook or other mail programs, because SmartDocs allows you to send directly from SAP®. No media disruption, more time for you! And the combination of automation and direct dispatch means there are no recording gaps. You are always able to see in the SmartDocs Monitor alone when documents have been sent. Especially when it comes to discussions and you would normally have to turn your mailbox upside down to prove something, you are clearly at an advantage with our AddOn.
Ihr Zukunfts-Ich sagt dann einfach: “Ich sehe hier, dass ich Ihnen alle Dokumente am 15. März geschickt habe. Aber ich sende sie Ihnen gerne noch einmal zu :). Erledigt, abgeschickt!” Denn der Neuversand wird ebenfalls wesentlich einfacher, wenn Sie Korrespondenzen historisiert und verknüpft im SAP®-System vorfinden.
Benefits in summary
- You can find transactions much faster, e.g. because your customer or supplier requests the documents again. The new dispatch is only one click away!
- You know exactly what status the document has for dispatch. Thanks to document flow control, no one can fool you.
- A status traffic light alerts you when there is something left to do.
You can activate individual modules for many correspondence types, which appear as additional tabs in the SAP® Monitor. After a specific selection, you can see at a glance which documents have been generated and have the correspondence output under control at all times thanks to the completeness function, document flow and status display.
Integrable modules
- FI-Avisen
- FI reminders
- FI debit memo confirmations
- Outgoing invoice
- Rental correspondence RE-FX
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