July 9, 2020

Digital inbox: indispensable for the home office

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Although Germany is doing well in the fight against COVID-19, an official lifting of all restrictions is not in sight. This has given new impetus to the home office culture - a situation that is particularly worthwhile when employees are not cut off from document streams when working from their home office chairs.

Incoming order confirmations, invoices, and purchase orders... Germany still clings to dearly held paper processes. But if you take the plunge and automate and digitize incoming documents, you'll quickly realize that everyday office life takes on a whole new quality without paper. Workflows can be interlinked across all SAP processes without employees working "past the system", which often leads to large-scale searches for lost documents.

In addition to saving time and money, your customers benefit from Home Office Worker from the digital provision of customer correspondence. A functioning scanning service, the right SAP input management and suitable tools for processing incoming invoices, orders, etc. make the employees in administration, sales and Purchasing to gentlemen and ladies of the situation. Because if you have to deal with the assignment and reconciliation of paperwork, you can use your working time more profitably.

Imagine how much time will be freed up when your inbox goes digital. Maybe an hour a day? More? This reclaimed time can, for example, go into more accurate evaluation of offers or you discover the potential of cash discount options with your suppliers, as the Invoice processing now goes much faster.

The digitization of paper processes is our specialty and as an SAP Silver Partner we are happy to help you with the practical implementation in the areas of Purchase2Pay and Order2Cash. You can find an overview of our range of services here: Consult-SK Solutions. As Process Consultant we make your everyday life. Simple. Easier.