September 26, 2024

ZUGFeRD and XRechnung: Importing, assigning and creating

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There is not much time left to find solutions for incoming and outgoing invoices that meet the legal requirements (keyword: Growth Opportunities Act). How about a solution for which you only have to pay to the extent of actual use? One that does not require any changes to your ERP system and can be easily added to your existing OCR recognition system until it becomes obsolete?


Import e-invoices into the BTP cloud

We have developed two cloud solutions specifically for this challenge, which receive incoming ZUGFeRD and XRechnung documents from your system via a REST API. Our conversion service CICS (Cloud Invoice Conversion Service) is in the SAP BTP Cloud and guarantees data protection and performance when processing incoming invoice metadata. CICS is able to read the ZUGFeRD and XRechnung formats and assign them to the correct department or contact person based on the metadata.

The legally mandatory switch from the "conventional" PDF invoice format to the electronic invoice shortens the service life of your OCR. This is because recognition is already included in CICS, meaning that image recognition technology is no longer required thanks to the standardized electronic format. As long as PDF invoices are still in circulation, it is advisable to use CICS together with your OCR recognition.


Create ZUGFeRD and XRechnung in the pay-per-use model

Once the invoice receipt process has been successfully completed, the next question arises: How do you generate your own invoices? XRechnung and ZUGFeRD for outgoing invoices? This is where our second cloud solution comes into play: CBCS (Cloud Billing Conversion Tool). You can continue to create your invoices the way you are used to - CBCS takes care of the conversion to electronic invoice format.

Both of these BTP solutions have the following in common: they are quickly ready for you to use and require only minimal personnel costs, as hardly any changes to the current status are required on your side. In addition - and this could be a decisive advantage in comparison with the competition - you receive CICS and CBCS at calculable monthly costs from EUR 299/month. Pay-per-use.

CICS and CBCS are software developments of our international subsidiary Kumulon GmbH, which specializes in SaaS for financial processes. You can find more information about Kumulon at

Have we aroused your interest? Then please do not hesitate to contact us.

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