The COVID-19-related restrictions have permanently changed society and working conditions. For Consult-SK GmbH (CSK), this was reason enough to ask SAP users in an online survey.
Purchase2Pay und Order2Cash – diese Prozessketten nimmt die CSK unter die Lupe und digitalisiert dabei z.B. Abläufe, die immer noch auf Papier statt im SAP-System stattfinden. Dazu zählt der Rechnungseingang, das transparente Handling von Bestellanforderungen, der automatisierte Versand von Ausgangsrechnungen und vieles mehr.
It is striking this year: The urgency of digitalization projects in the areas mentioned above is greater than before the coronavirus pandemic began. This is because the world of work is changing and working from home has gone from an exception to the order of the day. However, if you want to work from home just as efficiently as you would in the office, you also need digital access to Documents. How well has this worked for SAP users? Where do we currently stand?
CSK would like to find answers to these and other questions and cordially invites you to take part in the online survey "SAP user survey: Digitalization in COVID-19 times". The short questionnaire - survey duration approx. 5 minutes - can be found at the following link:
As a small thank-you for participating, you can optionally take part in a draw for a €100 Amazon voucher if you provide an e-mail address at the end of the survey.