SAP Inbound Invoice Solution: Turbostart in Standard

From project start to GoLive, we need only a few weeks to integrate an SAP incoming invoice solution on your ERP system. We explain why this is possible in this article.


Going live with a digital invoice solution within a few weeks? Sounds almost unbelievable to all long-suffering IT employees who have already gained a lot of experience with optimization projects. But that's exactly what sets us apart. Because in the standard, our SAP solutions are already strong along the P2P and O2C process chains! And if you are ready to start with your data on the test system right at the beginning of the project, it often turns out that so much customizing is not necessary!

This "get started straight away" approach and then look at "Where are there still problems?" or "Where does the workflow need to be individualized?" has proven its worth over the last ten years. That is why we have given our approach a name. The VIROCK method is an implementation method for SAP solutions in which conception and realization alternate in an agile manner. VIROCK stands for Vision > Installation > Responding > Organization > Concept > Keys. What is unique about this method is that part of the concept emerges while the project is already underway.


The high flexibility of VIROCK requires communicative work from those involved, which pays off:

  1. Management, IT management & users benefit from process digitization:. Instead of internal discord over innovations, users are happy about less effort for routine activities.
  2. Budget, schedule, and staffing remain on target.
  3. The financial investments are amortized on average after about one year from GoLive.


Why is it important to start with the standard?

Our experience with extensive SAP implementations has shown that project startup is slow when the teams involved unreservedly express wishes and changes without being familiar with the new software solution. Software suppliers - and we are one of them - are always ready to meet them, but it is not part of our corporate philosophy to push the never-ending story of change requests. A clean definition of the minimum requirements is already the basis for the selection of a suitable software solution.

At the beginning, stick to the standard and let the CSK "just do it" - it's worth it :). Afterwards, your employees get to know the tool, its functions and limitations in productive operation and explore the possibilities for use in everyday work. Later, with the experience gained, you take care of the enhancements and fine-tuning.


Acceptance of the incoming invoice solution by employees

By postponing change requests, there is often no immediate employee satisfaction at the start of the project. But trust the process! Already after 2-3 weeks after the introductory workshop, acceptance usually increases significantly. A common critical reflection of arising questions in the trial phase has a very positive effect in the further course.

Despite these challenges, which should not be underestimated, our customers repeatedly show that the decision in favor of the standard was the right one, especially since all further optimizations mainly affect the SAP system itself and not the CSK add-on: for example, invoice verification tolerances, quantity tolerances, or price variance tolerances that have to be reset.


Benefits of the CSK Invoice solution

  • using ONE SAP monitor significantly increases the clarity of incoming invoice processing
  • The entire billing due list is kept optimally in view
  • the evaluation options support liquidity planning
  • upcoming cash-outs are quickly identified
  • Consistency of invoicing processes increases transparency

Would you also like to get off to a turbo start now? Then get in touch with us!

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