May 27, 2020

Webcast: Cash register data archiving can be so simple

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In four months' time, the Cash Register Security Ordinance - KassenSichV for short - will come into force. Has your POS software already been converted? Does your IT system meet all the requirements of the KassenSichV and the DSFinV-K standard? What is the status of the required technical security equipment?

If you're not even sure about that, we invite you to our webcast "Staying on the audit-proof side - cash register data archiving in SAP®"! At June 10, 2020 from 10 to 11 a.m. our managing director Stephan Kaup will explain what our SAP certified AddOn Receipt4S® alles drauf hat. Durch Fallbeispiele zeigen wir Ihnen knackig auf den Punkt gebracht, worauf es bei der Archivierung und Verwaltung aller relevanten Cash register data ankommt. Und warum wir ab Projektstart nur wenige Wochen bis zum GoLive benötigen.

Of course, there will be enough time afterwards to ask questions :).


Here it goes to the Registration!


If you would like to inform yourself in advance, please feel free to browse through our free whitepaper "Fiscalization in Germany - Basic knowledge on KassenSichV, DSFinV-K and TSE".