You want to reduce the administrative effort in your company? Save costs for paper, printing, enveloping and postage with our SAP® AddOn CSK Billing. With our paperless e-Billing process you can save up to 80 % of your invoicing costs.
In addition to the time and cost efficiency resulting from the digitization of the invoicing process, you kill several birds with one stone by using our SAP® tool: The original is securely archived for each transaction and is available with just one click. In addition, you get an uncomplicated overview of the created invoices by customer/sales area. CSK Billing is based directly on the SAP® standard, so that a direct jump to the standard billing display is possible without any problems.
Close the last digitization gaps in your organization and switch to digital invoicing!
The potential for savings through electronic invoicing is enormous. A study by Deutsche Bank Research determined a Cost reduction of up to 80 %. Der größte Kostenfaktor, der bei einer Umstellung auf den digitalen Prozess wegfällt, ist die Weiterverarbeitung (Druck, Papier, Versand). Unsere persönliche Erfahrung aus zahlreichen Kundenprojekten weist außerdem darauf hin, dass sich die verbesserte Prozesstransparenz positiv auf die gesamte Performance im Purchase to Pay und Order to Cash Bereich auswirkt.
The SAP® products of AFI Solutions that we distribute are SAP® certified, Made in Germany, user-friendly and offer maximum data security! Together with our Industry partners we are at your side as a reliable SAP® consultant. In addition to CSK Billing we offer along Purchase to Pay and Order to Cash processes diverse AddOns for SAP® ERP as well as S4/HANA to make their processes more efficient. Take a look at e.g. CSK Invoice, our tool for automated invoice receipt control.
Feel free to contact us at 0571/ 783 435 10 (Stephan Kaup). Or by e-mail to: [email protected].